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Corinna Laurie's Book Sensory And Motor Strategies
Corinna Laurie's book Sensory And Motor Strategies is now available to purchase from The National Autistic Society.
All the information we receive about the world comes through our senses.
Sometimes, people’s senses do not process information as they should and the brain ends up like a ‘traffic jam’ of information.
This can affect behaviour and, for children and young people, their ability to learn and do well in school.
Corinna Laurie, a Specialist Occupational Therapist, looks at:
> our senses, and how they can affect behaviour
> strategies to reduce the impact of sensory issues on behaviour
> ideas that can help to remove barriers to learning.
Written for professionals who work with students with autism, this book also offers a range of photocopiable resources for use in education settings.
Corinna Laurie's book Sensory And Motor Strategies is now available to purchase from The National Autistic Society.