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40 Ideas For Organising Proprioceptive Input
40 Ideas for Organising Proprioceptive Input
The following are ideas of activities compiled by OT's that can be used at school or at home to aid organising proprioceptive input:
1) "Hot dog" game, where the child lies across the end of a blanket and is rolled (ends up in rolled up blanket) – don’t cover the face
2) Carry heavy items (baskets with cardboard blocks, groceries with Mum, bag for teacher, etc.)
3) Climbing activities (such as playground equipment)
4) Swing from a trapeze bar
5) Tug of war
6) Push against a wall
7) Scooter board to and from a designated location (sit and lie on stomach use arms to propel)
8) Pillow cases with a few stuffed animals (for weight) and drag and pull them up a ramp, incline or stairs
9) Place chairs at the desks at the end of the day, or take down at the beginning of the day
10) Erase and wash the school blackboard / whiteboard
11) Carry bean bags on head or shoulders and walk across a room, weighted vests, belts, wrist weights
12) Pull other children around on a sheet or blanket
13) Pull someone while they sit on a scooter board
14) Garden work, including mowing the lawn, raking grass or leaves, pushing wheelbarrow
15) Push a friend in a wheelbarrow
16) Chew on a Chewbuddy
17) Give a milkshake as a reward - through a thin straw
18) Carrying heavy cushions
19) Falling into bean bag chair or crash mat
20) Jumping and rolling games
21) Slowly roll ball over the child and apply pressure
22) Bounce on a Peanut Ball
23) Sandwich games, between bean bag chairs, mattresses, cushions with light pressure on top layer
24) Play catch with a heavy ball, bounce and roll the heavy ball
25) Have a child put things away, or pass out items in classroom and at home to family members
26) After a bath squeeze the child and rub them with the towel
27) Use heavy quilts at night or weighted blankets
28) Play row row row your boat sitting on the floor rowing against each other
29) Rice play, squishy balls, water play, jelly play and putty
30) Two adults swing the child in a sheet
31) Wash table, desks or counter tops
32) If there is a garden project at school have them dig, or at home too
33) Play with medicine balls (provided by gym teachers)
34) Mini trampoline
35) Run around track at school or house at home
36) Swimming, have child dive for weighted sticks in the pool
37) Dancing
38) Gymnastics
39) Sports activities involving running and jumping
40) Use an indoor swing